Using Makefiles in projects where I can not use them
In Makefile for lazy developers, I have shared how I use Makefile
s to save time running frequent tasks.
As a maintainer of a project, I can use any tool I like to get the job done, and of course, I use Makefiles in all of these projects.
As a collaborator of a project, I do not have that luxury. I depend on the owners of a project. Some projects already use an alternative, perhaps composer scripts or PHing. Occasionally I have suggested the use of Makefile
s. Often the owners have stated that they prefer not to use Makefile
s. Rarely the owners already have a Makefile
but object to modifications.
I respect that. However, I can still use Makefile
s the way I like in every single project, and as a matter of fact, I do.
In Project notes, I have shared how I keep files in a .note/
directory within the root directory of a project - without the need to check them into version control. This directory is where I put a Makefile
when necessary.
I can now run
make -f .note/Makefile
to run the first target of the Makefile
, but I find that this is too much work.
Instead, I have adjusted the alias I previously used from
alias m="make"
alias m="if [[ -f .note/Makefile ]]; then make -f .note/Makefile; else make; fi"
Now I can run
in every single project and still use Makefile
s the way I prefer.
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Just blogged: Using Makefiles in projects where I can not use them.
— Andreas Möller (@localheinz) May 7, 2020